
9 Contoh Iklan Lowongan Pekerjaan Beserta Tips untuk Membuatnya

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7 min read
Arin Khurota

I'm a student with Bachelor's degree in Agroecotechnology. My experience as a content specialist, SEO, and content writer, also marketing and communication staff has helped me build confidence and taught me how to manage my time and skill wisely.


Iklan lowongan pekerjaan biasanya berupa pengumuman yang menginformasikan kepada publik bahwa tersedia posisi pekerjaan tertentu. Umumnya, informasi lowongan pekerjaan ditulis dengan diksi yang menarik dan tidak hanya tentang posisi pekerjaan, tetapi juga menjelaskan tentang perusahaan dan manfaat yang akan calon pelamar dapatkan.

Informasi yang harus ada dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan

Iklan lowongan pekerjaan memiliki struktur yang harus dicantumkan (sumber: pexels)

Iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang baik memiliki beberapa struktur yang harus dicantumkan sebagai informasi. Struktur atau informasi yang harus ada dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Posisi pekerjaan

Posisi pekerjaan (job title) dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan harus ditulis jelas, akurat, dan to the point. Pada umumnya, posisi pekerjaan ditulis sebagai headline dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan.

2. Lokasi pekerjaan

Lokasi pekerjaan merupakan salah satu kriteria utama yang digunakan pencari kerja dalam pencarian. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk mencantumkan lokasi yang akurat dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan. Selain itu, perlu diberikan penjelasan dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan apakah jenis lokasi pekerjaan dapat dilakukan, misalnya seperti on site, hybrid, atau dapat dilakukan secara remote.

3. Tanggung jawab pekerjaan

Tanggung jawab pekerjaan mencakup deskripsi tugas apa saja yang perlu dilakukan oleh pelamar. Deskripsi pekerjaan disarankan ditulis secara singkat dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan dan meliputi beberapa tanggung jawab utama yang perlu dilakukan.

4. Persyaratan

Persyaratan ini mencakup kualifikasi yang harus dipenuhi oleh pelamar sebelum mencoba memasukkan lamaran. Daftar kualifikasi dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan biasanya terkait dengan pendidikan, pengalaman kerja sebelumnya, kemampuan teknis, maupun skill.

5. Informasi perusahaan dan tunjangan

Informasi perusahaan umumnya perlu dicantumkan secara singkat sebagai perkenalan iklan lowongan pekerjaan. Selain itu, dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan mungkin dapat juga disertakan tunjangan yang akan didapatkan kandidat, seperti kisaran gaji, proyek menarik, serta fasilitas penunjang.

6. Instruksi melamar

Informasi yang tidak boleh dilewatkan dalam iklan lowongan pekerjaan adalah informasi mengenai kontak, seperti email atau instruksi lain mengenai siapa, bagaimana, dan kapan kandidat yang tertarik harus menghubungi.

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Tips membuat iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang profesional

Iklan lowongan pekerjaan harus menarik serta informatif (sumber: pexels)

Posting iklan lowongan pekerjaan harus mengundang minat kandidat pelamar yang potensial, profesional, serta informatif. Diksi atau pemilihan kata yang digunakan dalam posting iklan lowongan pekerjaan penting diperhatikan. Penggunaan bahasa akan mewakili kesan pertama kandidat mengenai gaya komunikasi perusahaan.

Meskipun terdapat banyak ruang untuk personalisasi, pastikan bahwa posting iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang profesional mengikuti langkah-langkah dasar berikut:

1. Cantumkan judul pekerjaan dengan lead yang menarik

Langkah pertama setiap saat mengunggah posting iklan lowongan pekerjaan harus dimulai dengan judul posisi yang dibutuhkan. Pastikan bahwa judul posisi pekerjaan yang ditawarkan cukup jelas. Judul pekerjaan memiliki daya tarik yang melebihi dari sekadar judul, karena dari bagian inilah kamu akan menarik kandidat yang potensial. Di bagian ini dapat disertakan beberapa hal yang menarik, misalnya cuti berbayar, sistem kerja jarak jauh (remote), atau tersedia training (program bimbingan).

2. Perkenalkan perusahaan

Tulis paragraf singkat yang menceritakan mengenai perusahaan dengan menguraikan beberapa informasi yang ingin diketahui kandidat pelamar. Bagian ini bisa berupa informasi apapun, mulai berapa tahun perusahaan telah beroperasi hingga nilai-nilai inti perusahaan atau informasi menarik lainnya, seperti klien kerja yang memiliki reputasi baik, budaya kerja, dan lain-lain.

3. Cantumkan deskripsi pekerjaan

Untuk membuat iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang menarik, kamu tidak perlu membuat paragraf panjang. Ingat, untuk membuat kandidat pelamar tertarik dengan posisi yang ditawarkan, maka cukup sertakan dua atau tiga deskripsi yang cukup menarik, seperti lingkungan tim atau jam kerja.

4. Sebutkan benefit yang didapatkan

Bagian ini kemungkinan besar sangat penting karena akan memberikan kesempatan mengenai poin-poin yang diminati oleh kandidat pelamar. Buatlah daftar lima atau enam poin-poin yang menjelaskan alasan mengapa seseorang harus melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan tersebut.

5. Cantumkan informasi kontak dan lokasi

Posting iklan lowongan pekerjaan akan cukup menarik apabila bagian-bagiannya lengkap dan terstruktur. Oleh karena itu, uraikan mengenai lokasi pekerjaan secara detail, apakah dapat dilakukan secara remote atau on-site. Jangan lupa pada penutupan posting iklan lowongan pekerjaan, sertakan kontak email atau nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi, serta langkah-langkah untuk proses rekrutmen.

Dengan merinci seluruh proses dari aplikasi hingga perekrutan, seorang kandidat mungkin merasa lebih nyaman mengetahui langkah-langkah apa yang diperlukan. Jika memungkinkan, sematkan hyperlink ke halaman rekrutmen dan pastikan untuk menentukan dengan jelas tenggat waktu aplikasi.

6. Baca ulang, edit, dan posting

Hal terakhir yang perlu dilakukan sebelum mendistribusikan informasi iklan lowongan pekerjaan adalah meninjau ulang posting. Pastikan bahwa tidak ada kesalahan ketik atau kesalahan mengenai link yang mungkin terlewatkan. Pastikan untuk mengedit posting pekerjaan, dan jika memungkinkan mintalah pandangan dari orang lain untuk menilai iklan lowongan pekerjaan sebelum di-posting.

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9 Contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan

Contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan dibuat dalam bentuk yang kreatif (sumber: pixabay)

Beberapa iklan lowongan pekerjaan dibuat dalam bentuk yang menarik dan kreatif untuk menarik minat kandidat. Berikut ini adalah 9 contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang mungkin bisa menjadi inspirasi kamu.

1. Ecommerce career

Contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan ecommerce staff (sumber:

Ecommerce Staff

Nama Perusahaan: PT Aditya Sarana Graha

Deskripsi pekerjaan:

  • Mampu menjalin hubungan dengan brand dan seller dan melakukan negosiasi dengan seller
  • Membantu dalam menentukan produk baru yang dapat dijual baik di website maupun marketplace
  • Memberikan insight terkait tren dan industri terkait
  • Mengimplementasikan seasonal/monthly campaigns dan inisiatif
  • Memberikan cara dalam meningkatkan penjualan melalui analisis bisnis dan memastikan kegiatan yang dilakukan dapat memaksimalkan potensi penjualan


  • Usia maksimal 30 tahun, pendidikan minimal S1
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal satu tahun pada posisi yang sama
  • Dapat bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim, jujur, cekatan, pekerja keras, memiliki semangat kerja yang tinggi
  • Berdomisili di Jakarta

2. Lowongan pekerjaan remote

Recruiter (Tech)

About the company

Established in 2016, EKRUT is a recruitment platform that uses technology and a recruiter network to provide faster and better hires without compromising quality.
EKRUT focuses on high-skilled tech candidates from five core backgrounds: Software Engineering, Product Management, Data Science/Analysis, Marketing and Communications, and Operations.

Job description:

EKRUT is looking for you who is eager to challenge yourself in our Revenue Team!
We have an opening from junior to senior level positions with the details below:

>Fresh graduate:
Bachelor's degree from any major. Having internship experience as a recruiter is a plus.

>Junior role:
Min. experience below 1.5 years with a background as Business Development (Sales B2B), AM, Sales & Marketing, Ops.

>Senior role:
Must have 2-3 years of experience as a Recruitment Consultant from a headhunting firm/recruitment/staffing company.

Job description:

  • Find candidates on behalf of client companies to fill temporary and permanent job positions
  • Attracting people to apply and guiding them through the application process, placing advertisements, giving interviews, and matching candidates to the appropriate roles, from entry-level to executive positions
  • Building relationships with clients, keeping in touch over the phone and in writing
  • Negotiating pay and salary rates and finalizing arrangements between client and candidate
  • We are looking for talents who are number-oriented, comfortable with the daily targets, and must have a "goal to achieve" attitude

3. Remote graphic designer

Lowongan remote graphic designer (sumber: pixabay)

Remote graphic designer

About the company

Sharp Designs is a creative advertisement company based in Austin, Texas. The main mission is to help businesses expand their consumer base through creative and quality advertisements.

Job description:

We are in search of a remote graphic designer to create logos and media-based advertisements for our clients. Responsibilities may include:

  • Designing logos
  • Sharing ideas for marketing campaigns
  • Drawing animations for short promotional videos and ads
  • Collaborating with other artists
  • Interacting with clients

Why work with us:

Sharp Designs prides itself on a fun and nurturing work environment. To promote employee health, we offer these benefits:

  • $45,000 annual salary
  • Health, dental and life insurance
  • Paid time off
  • Paid lunch breaks
  • Remote work


We are looking for a candidate with these qualifications:

  • Advanced creative skills
  • Proficient with design software
  • Bachelors or associates degree in graphic design or a related field
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Communication skills

How to apply:

If you are interested in applying for this position, email your portfolio and resume to Mark Catt at [email protected].

4. Lowongan UX Researcher

UX Researcher

Location: Jakarta (on-site)

Type job: Full-time

Role description:

  • As a skilled researcher, you are able to design discussion guides and test scenarios that can minimize bias and leading effects of our research studies
  • Research methods you are proficient with include but not limited to Usability Tests (Moderated/Unmoderated, Card Sorting), A/B Tests, In-depth Interviews, Contextual Inquiry (Participatory Design), Concept Testing (Analogous Inspiration, Extreme User Research etc.), Surveys
  • You know that what users say can be different from what they do in real life
  • Experience in incorporating quantitative research is a plus, running surveys, segmentation studies, and analyzing product data with the help of data analysts to uncover behavioral insights
  • You are able to transform key findings and patterns into actionable insights via a rigorous synthesis process
  • You are able to cut through the weeds and communicate these insights in effective manners via storytelling and visual presentations
  • You understand the importance of involving other team members outside of the UX team in the research process to secure buy-in and allow them to gain first-hand empathy of users
  • You are able to manage our research pipeline and prioritise projects depending on the impact they drive
  • You will be leading our efforts to build an effective research workflow and operations to improve our research team’s productivity. Examples of such effort include standardising our research brief, building a repository of our insights, streamlining recruitment and others


  • 4+ years of user-centered research experience where you have led research projects from start to finish
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Human-Computer Interaction, Design, Journalism or equivalent work experience
  • At least 1+ year of experience collaborating with other designers, product managers and engineers to deliver a digital product live into the hands of users in a tech startup
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Bahasa and English
  • You understand that how we frame our research questions and hypotheses can affect the effectiveness of our studies
  • You understand the difference between strategic, directional and foundational research and the function of each of these research types
  • You have the expertise and resourcefulness to adapt and experiment with different research methodologies to help get the insights we need
  • You understand the importance of sampling design and operationalising participant criteria into screening surveys to find the right participants for the studies

About the company

Established in 2016, EKRUT is a recruitment platform that uses technology and recruiter network to provide faster and better hires without compromising quality. EKRUT focuses on high-skilled tech-candidates from five core backgrounds: Software Engineering, Product Management, Data Science/Analysis, Marketing and Communications, and Operations.

Baca juga:  5 Contoh Job Vacancy Kreatif dan Profesional yang Sesuai Kebutuhan Rekrutmen

5. Lowongan Recruitment Consultant

Recruitment Consultant

Type: Full-time

Location: Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia (hybrid)


  • Fresh graduate: Bachelor's degree from any major. Having internship experience as a recruiter is a plus
  • Junior role: Min. experience below 1.5 years with background as Business Development (Sales B2B), AM, Sales & Marketing, Ops
  • Senior role: Must have 2-3 years of experience as Recruitment Consultant from a headhunting firm/recruitment/staffing company

Job description:

  • Find candidates on behalf of client companies to fill temporary and permanent job positions
  • Attracting people to apply and guiding them through the application process, placing advertisements, giving interviews and matching candidates to the appropriate roles, from entry-level to executive positions
  • Building relationships with clients, keeping in touch over the phone and in writing
  • Negotiating pay and salary rates and finalizing arrangements between client and candidate
  • We are looking for talents whom are number-oriented, comfortable with daily target, and must have "goal to achieve" attitude

About the company

Established in 2016, EKRUT is a recruitment platform that uses technology and recruiter network to provide faster and better hires without compromising quality. EKRUT focuses on high-skilled tech-candidates from five core backgrounds: Software Engineering, Product Management, Data Science/Analysis, Marketing and Communications, and Operations.

6. Lowongan telesales

Contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan telesales (sumber:

Perusahaan: PT Quantum Integrated Services

Lokasi: Jakarta

Salary: 4.700.000

Type: Kontrak


  • Pengalaman sebagai perwakilan telesales
  • Rekam jejak yang terbukti berhasil memenuhi kuota penjualan lebih disukai melalui telepon
  • Kemampuan untuk mempelajari produk dan layanan dan menjelaskannya kepada prospek
  • Komunikasi yang baik dan kemampuan interpersonal, berwatak dingin dan mampu menangani penolakan, keterampilan negosiasi dan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan menangani keluhan

7. Iklan lowongan kerja freelance

Chinese-Indonesia Freelance Translator

Type: Part-time (associate)

Location: work from home

Required language(s): Chinese (Simplified) > Indonesian


  • Indonesian native speakers or those who can provide Chinese-Indonesian translation fluently
  • Available to work as a full-time freelancer (Available to work during business hours is an advantage)
  • Must have bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university; degree in linguistic or translations
  • Minimum 3-year translation experience in Chinese-Indonesian language
  • Ability to work to deadlines
  • Willing to learn new knowledge such as a specific CAT tools for doing the assigned job(s) and Style Guide
  • Freelance but able to be a good team player with widely open mind
  • Willing to follow the instruction and requirements

Application process:

  • Submit your resume with your relevant translation experience, and please mention email head as “Applying for the position of JOB TITLE” + propose your rate per character and rate per hour to [email protected]
  • Take our test (Non-paid translation test)
  • If you pass the test, then you will be registered in our system. And once we have the project, we will contact you
  • Only the shortlisted applicants will be contacted for further discussion & applicant process

About the company

RWS Group is the world’s leading provider of technology-enabled language, content management and intellectual property services. We help our customers to connect with people globally by communicating business critical content at scale, and enabling the protection and realization of their ideas and innovations. We work with 90 of top 100 global brands, the top 10 pharmaceutical companies and 18 of the top 20 patent filers worldwide.

8. Lowongan Copywriter

Associate, Creative Copywriter GrabMart

About the company

Grab is Southeast Asia’s leading super app, offering a suite of services consisting of deliveries, mobility, financial services, enterprise, and others. Grabbers come from all over the world, and we are united by a common mission: to drive Southeast Asia forward by creating economic empowerment for everyone.

Type: Full-time (associate)

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia (on-site)

Get to know the team:

The Grab Creative Department is responsible for building the Grab brand through effective brand and promotional campaigns that persuade, excite and build brand loyalty amongst users. You will get a chance to work directly with progressive thinkers from the marketing department to help shape the brand together as a team. You will also get access and support from the Regional Creative Team who consists of experienced and awarded creatives from multinational agency backgrounds.

Get to know the role:

We are looking for a Copywriter to build campaign stories for brand and promotional communication by collaborating with designer/ art director.The copywriter must have the ability to do creative writing such as punchy relevant headlines, content, and stories. We believe a successful candidate has good writing taste and the skill to bring it to life, but if you believe you have what it takes then we’d love to hear from you either way. You’re expected to have fun and deliver responsible creative output.

The day-to-day activities:

  • Write and develop idea/creative solution to promote Grab product to capture the attention of the target audience
  • Write clear, persuasive, original copy and stories; this includes (but is not limited to) creating scripts, slogans, catch phrases and messages for ad campaigns
  • Own responsibility for content, tone and voice of brand messaging across media, including, but not limited to, TV, print, OOH, retail, environmental, digital and experiential
  • Create social media content for Grab
  • Identify customers’ needs and gaps in our content and recommend new topics
  • Ensure overall consistency within the Grab guidelines (style, fonts, images, and tone)

The must-haves:

  • Degree in Communications, Advertising or a related field
  • 1-3 years experience of web/marketing/traditional copywriting
  • Strong retail copywriting skills and knowledge of editing procedures
  • Experience writing for a specific brand (in-house, freelance, or agency) across multiple media
  • Efficient time management and proofreading skills
  • Eagerness to learn, grow, and incorporate feedback
  • Ability to articulate why our copy will work for each target audience
  • Good people skills and a sense of humor
  • Portfolio and/or writing samples

The nice-to-haves:

  • You have personal project that shows your punchy short writing skill
  • You are an experienced tiktokers/ wild content makers would be an advantage

9. Iklan lowongan kerja editor

Freelance Content Editor

Perusahaan: Hipwee

Type: Full-time (associate)

Lokasi: Yogyakarta, Indonesia (on-site)


  • Bersedia bekerja di weekend/hari libur
  • Berpengalaman dalam dunia kepenulisan minimal 2 tahun
  • Menguasai teknik penulisan dan EBI
  • Teliti dan anti typo
  • Paham dengan berbagai macam bentuk tulisan
  • Up to date dengan isu terkini

Baca juga: 7 Website untuk Membuat Tanda Tangan Digital dengan Cepat dan Mudah

Itulah beberapa tips dan contoh iklan lowongan pekerjaan yang umumnya digunakan oleh perusahaan.

Bagi kamu yang bermimpi untuk dapat berkarier di startup ternama, yuk, sign up EKRUT sekarang! Semua proses dan bantuan profesional di talent marketplace EKRUT bisa kamu dapatkan secara gratis. Selain artikel-artikel di EKRUT Media, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan informasi seputar pekerjaan, career insight, serta tips bermanfaat seputar dunia kerja melalui YouTube Official EKRUT.





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